OvaScience Co-Founders’ Review of Female Infertility Published in Cell Metabolism

OvaScienceSM, , a life sciences company focused on the discovery, development and commercialization of new treatments for infertility, announced today the publication of an in-depth review article regarding female infertility due to aging and poor egg quality.

Excerpt from:
OvaScience Co-Founders’ Review of Female Infertility Published in Cell Metabolism

Seahorse Bioscience Announces AACR Travel Award Recipients

BILLERICA, Mass., April 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Seahorse Bioscience, the world leader in instruments and assay kits for measuring cell metabolism announces travel award recipients who will present data generated using XF technology at the American Association of Cancer…

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Seahorse Bioscience Announces AACR Travel Award Recipients

Seahorse Bioscience XF Technology Yields Insights on Leukemia Stem Cell Metabolism and Potential New Leukemia Therapies

BILLERICA, Mass., Feb. 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Seahorse Bioscience, the leader in instruments and assay kits for measuring cell metabolism, announced a new milestone: the 500 th journal reference including …

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Seahorse Bioscience XF Technology Yields Insights on Leukemia Stem Cell Metabolism and Potential New Leukemia Therapies

In the Chelyabinsk region is 30 units of blowing agent technology

In the Chelyabinsk region began arriving specialized lesopožarnaâ technique. Supply of equipment and the equipment comes under an agreement between the Federal Agency and the Government forestry area.

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In the Chelyabinsk region is 30 units of blowing agent technology

Effective Solutions

Introducing the EVOX performance enhancement system. The EVOX delivers highly-predictable, thorough, and consistent results for a variety of issues dealing with subconscious stress, and PTSD appears to be no exception.

The EVOX measures voice frequencies during a brief recording of the client’s voice. It captures reliable markers of subconscious stress and displays a pattern on your computer screen called a Voice Map. The stress pattern changes depending on the topic spoken of.

Next, the EVOX delivers a signal targeting the stress measured during the recording. During this signal-output phase, clients typically report feeling peaceful and discovering new thoughts and perceptions they had been unable to experience before.

Following signal output, another recording is made. After each of the first few voice maps, the pattern often shows an increase in subconscious stress as it begins to “emerge” and release. After 3-5 voice maps, the pattern typically shows a releasing patterns where the stress vanishes from the quadrant where it had been fixed. At this point, the client can be expected to feel significant relief and to experience increased freedom from previous symptoms.

The exact mechanism that elicits such effects is thus far only theoretical, but the consistently effective results are clearly observable. Anecdotal evidence of its efficacy are abundant.

For example, a doctor brought a vet to my office in 2006 who suffered such extreme anxiety attacks that he had hardly left his house in years. He had constant nightmares as well. After five voice maps, the stress pattern had released and he reported feeling peaceful.

Three weeks later, the doctor dropped by the office and reported that the vet had not suffered a single anxiety attack since his EVOX session, he laughed all the time, and felt better than ever before in his life.

Such results are so typical that when no observable results occur after eight or nine voice maps, I become quite surprised.

EVOX Awareness

I am currently in contact with a high-ranking individual in the military medical establishment to introduce the EVOX as an ideal solution for dealing with PTSD, combat stress, and other performance enhancement. His personal experience and several experiences he has witnessed on other individuals has him convinced and quite excited about the upcoming relief for so many soldiers. We will soon present the system to additional military doctors in order to spread the enthusiasm that is the EVOX’s due.

The EVOX matches perfectly the military’s BICEP program wherein relief from combat stress can be delivered quickly, on location, and return our soldiers to duty in safe mental/emotional condition. The EVOX is completely portable, simple to operate, and extremely cost effective.

PTSD and the “Hot Stove” Effect

PTSD and the “Hot Stove” Effect

The basic cause of PTSD is no mystery. Traumatic experiences trigger what I call the “hot stove effect,” which happens like this: if a child touches a hot stove and burns his hand, the subconscious creates an association between the hot stove and the ensuing pain and injury. The next time it recognizes a hot stove, it spits out neurochemicals called peptides which cause the child to experience fear. This is designed as a protection from further injury.

The problem is that the subconscious often becomes overprotective. For example, if a romantic relationship ends, the pain and heartache may be associated with aspects of the relationship – attraction, vulnerability, etc. When the brain recognizes these elements, it may deliver the same anxiety response as caused by the hot stove.

Thus the subconscious inadvertently inhibits positive aspects of living in its efforts to protect us from pain and damage. Not only relationships may be adversely affected, but work, social situations, crowded, dark, or unfamiliar situations, and even getting out of bed in the morning may become unbearable for the sufferer.

A Sense of Urgency

A Sense of Urgency

Due largely to the large number of soldiers who suffer from combat stress and the difficulty of treating PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSS – Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome) has become one of the most urgent issues facing the military medical establishment.

Known as “shell shock” in earlier wars, PTSD became better known following the Viet Nam war as thousands of vets returned to the USA but never really came home. Uncontrollable and debilitating anxiety obstructed careers, destroyed families, and paralyzed nearly every effort to heal and get on with living.

Initially, an uninformed public callously said “It’s all in your head” and expected vets struggling with PTSD to “deal with it,” but it was not that simple. Thousands of strong, intelligent, brave, competent men became jobless and homeless because they could not just “get over it.”

The current situation is exacerbated by budgets, politics, difficulty in diagnosis, and other factors. For example, because PTSD has often proven “uncurable,” soldiers are reluctant to get checked out since a diagnosis could seriously impede their future military career. The armed forces also increase their financial liability because a PTSD diagnosis may mean a lifetime of counseling expenses.

Faster, Easier, Better Results

Faster, Easier, Better Results

The bioenergetic technology field – with specific applications for medicine, counseling and performance enhancement – is booming. Significant developments over the past decade have raised the bar, and if you’re a medical professional or a patient wanting the best possible care, it’s time you got informed.